IOPHOBIA- fear of rust

So I have a phobia, iophobia. It literally means the fear of poison.
But my fear is rust...
I can't stand it one bit! I hate touching it, I can be near it if I think I'm safe from it and that my skin can't be exposed to it. Like I hate going on swings, I can but I refuse to touch the chains and actually swing on them because so many of them are rusty. Watching people touching the chains bugs me a lot, and I make sure they do not touch me. I also have the fear of certain metals and getting scratched by them, also the smell of metal is horrible!!!! I mean gross! When I touch metal I don't touch myself and I don't eat until I wash my hands. I over react when I do touch or get scratched by metal/rust because I feel like I will die (I don't trust tetanus shots)
I make sure I am no where near rust, if I am I make no contact with it and I make sure there is clothes between the rust and my skin. Then when I get home, I take off my clothes right away and wash them. So as you can imagine, I hate the taste of blood too because of the iron taste. I don't lick my blood off my finger on bit.
My fear started first at a friend's house, her mom got scratched by metal and she said
"Good thing I got my tetanus, other wise I would be rushing to the hospital right now."
She then explained to me if your blood is exposed to rust or metal you could die, if you do not have a tetanus shot. So I have been scared ever since...
I'm hoping to over come this because I hate thinking I am going to die ever time I am near it. Also I just hate cringing every time I see rust. Ew...

I have another fear that goes to the extremes though, that is blennophobia. DEFINITION- any type of nasal/oral mucus, or also known as boogers. I absolutely HATE boogers! I don't know when this started but it just came to me naturally. When I see it I gag, and sometimes even throw up! When I get it on me, it looks like I am going to die! I also really hate spit from others. Anything that is not from me... do not touch me with it! I can't even see them. I get chased around the house with boogers, it is horrible. UGH! I can't even begin to start to tell you my fear of them. I would almost anything to get away from it. I don't think I can handle posting a picture of boogers haha!


  1. Great tutorials. I want full details of background removing article. Thank you.
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  2. LOL. She/he just said that he/she can't handle rust and now your giving him/her some rust skins. Ahahaha :)


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